
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Blahs

"The Random Thoughts of a Disconcerted Bunny"
Hello, it's been awhile since I've updated, I do apologize. After the crazy busy time I had October through December, packed with shows, followed by the holiday break with the kids home from school, I let things slide, update wise.

Now that all of that excitement is over and the weather has been less than stellar, for example today's lovely daytime high is -20 C, I think that a sort of seasonal depression has set in. *sigh*

Looking back over 2013, it was an experimental year for me. For the first time I “put myself out there” in the sense I tried selling my work, I did 6 shows in all. I needed to have a really good idea of how things work. The experience has been very enlightening and gave me many things to consider, going forward.

"Party Chick"
Most of my friends can attest to the fact that I've always had difficulty figuring out where I belong, my interests have never really been “mainstream”, whether it’s music, art, books or television I’m forever being drawn to things that are a little “different”  but not “extreme”, perhaps it’s the “quirky”  I like. I appreciate birds of a different feather J

I get bored easily, and predictability (at least entertainment wise) is deadly for me. That’s part of why I love to draw so much. Keep the pencil moving and you’ll never know what will pop out! 

I've set many goals for myself again this year …an Etsy shop, a website, a short animation and a graphic novel rewrite, not to mention working hard to improve my drawing skills (there is still a mountain of things I want to learn). Oh yeah, and make some money, that would be nice ;)

I’ll be doing a few select shows again this year, although not as many as last year. I’m going to try hard to not fall in the trap of doing what I think people want verses what I enjoy making. I started drawing because I wanted to tell stories, so that’s what I’ll focus on.

I’ll be sharing updates on what I’m learning, experimenting with and other random comics, I’m looking forward to a very unpredictable year!

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